WDR - Etoys vs. Etoy

The story
Source: RTMark

Home of WDR

In late 1999, Internet toy giant eToys attempted to buy etoy.com from European art group etoy, and offered upwards of $500,000 in cash and stock options for the domain. etoy turned down the offer, so on November 29, 1999, eToys obtained a court injunction preventing etoy from operating a website at www.etoy.com, which had been registered before eToys even existed.

To obtain the injunction eToys told the judge that etoy.com was confusing customers, and furthermore that it contained pornography and calls to violence. etoy.com had never made any reference to eToys or toys, and only an extremely primitive conception of art could lead one to see pornography or violence on its pages.


Etoy mobilized online activists like RTMark and started an online game called Toywar. The online community was asked to fight against Etoys with every legal online weapon possible: Press coverage, complaint mails, virual sit-ins etc.

Toy Giant loses the game

On January 25, 2000 Etoys finally backed down on paper, ceding full rights to etoy.com on etoy's terms, without precondition and with payment of court costs and other expenses. Victory for online culture and the online community.

Sorted by relevance

Official Toywar site

RTMark: Etoy Fund

Restored etoy.com site

Official Etoys website

Press: Wired News

Contact Etoy: [email protected]

Contact Etoys: [email protected] , [email protected]

Write any comments to: [email protected]